Kajaksport components are highly regarded worldwide for their unmatched quality and performance.
At 3kymia Sea kayaks all of our fittings & parts come from Kajaksport. A detailed overview can be found in this article with their product codes & other details in case you want to order a replacement part.
Every single part below can be ordered either by us or from any kayak shop near your area. There is a Kajaksport dealer in most countries.
The surface deck fitting for kayak deck- and safety lines. Strong and reliable fitting to be used with 5 mm rope. The fitting is made for 5 mm or optional 6 mm attachment screw. I've tested personally this fitting in endless rescues and never had a failure. Super strong! Product code: 403110.
Front and rear hatches.
The hatch cover is made of real rubber. 100 % watertight hatch is created for the most demanding “expedition” use, when the cover is used in aberrant conditions and when the maximum reliability is essential. The cover is equipped with both inside and outside leash holders and It is also fully UV-protected. Product code: 301710.
Day hatch
Same like any other hatches from Kajaksport this is the code that we use on our day hatch. It is the maximum possible that we can fit as a day hatch and bigger than nearly all kayak manufacturers. This is to make your life easier putting & getting staff from it. Product code: 301510.
Small front hatch
This is the smaller hatch from all. It goes just after the rim in front of you. It comes as standard in all kayaks. It is a very useful hatch that can fit quiet lots of staff. Small camera (fits most mirrorless), snacks, compass, paper etc. Especially for those guiding trips it is an essential hatch! Product code: 301310.
The footrest can be adjusted while sitting in the kayak even in rough water. The footrest also has a special pedal lock for securing the adjustment and end plugs for proper fastening of the rail. The adjusting of the footrest is smart and simple. It can be done only with feet. The good quality and the rigid structure combined together with the best materials ensure safe and easy use for a long time. The footrest has a rubber/soft material on it which helps a lot on long days or long expeditions to release the pressure from your feet. Product code: 501100
Skeg system
This injection moulded skeg box is made to stay clean from dirt and other obstacles to reduce the risk of jamming. The skeg blade is well supported to the skeg box with integrated framework. The skeg slider control unit is simple and precise in use. It is a very light and reliable skeg system. All parts of the skeg are available for order eithe direct from us or from any dealer of Kajaksport. Product code: 520101.
I've tried over the years more than 100 different kayaks/seats. When we decide to build our own kayaks I had no second thoughts on which seat to choose from. We customize our molds/rim to have a perfect fit with the seat from Kajaksport. It is a remarkably comfortable seat. It comes with 3 sizes based on the kayak; LV, MV and HV. The seat includes fastening points for the Kajaksport deluxe backrest which we also use for maximum comfort.
The seat can also take a piece of foam for extra comfort although to be honest it doesn't need to. Here is the link to the mentioned foam in case you want to order it. We keep a few in stock.
Product code for seat: 601110 (LV), 601111 (MV), 601112 (HV).
Product code for backrest: High 603211, Low 603210.
Backrest High & Low
Backrest deluxe has a 6-point fastening to ensure the best support and adjustment properties. Low profile offers plenty of room for rolling and allows free body rotation for efficient paddling. Deluxe backrest together with our seat is highly respected and praised combination among experienced kayakers and sea kayaking magazines. Higher profile offers great extra support for paddlers who have physical problems in back and therefore need additional support. We use the high version in our HV model and the low in the MV and LV models.
Product code: 603211 and 603210 for the low.